Denver (303) 501-7121

The Types of Documents Process Servers Serve

Process servers play the vital role of ensuring that all parties in a legal case are properly and promptly notified of when and where their upcoming court case will be heard. This gives defendants plenty of time to prepare for the case or find legal representation. Witnesses may want to role-play answering questions so they are not so nervous on the stand.

Process servers provide this notification to case parties by serving them process, or the documents related to the court case. There are many different documents that a process server may deliver, including summons, complaints, subpoenas, and writs.


A summons does just thatit summons a defendant to court to respond to accusations. The summons will contain the date, time, and place where the case will be heard. Abiding by a summons is not optional.

If delivery of the original process is not successful, the process server may instead deliver an alias summons or pluries summons. Accurate Serve® of Denver can help your firm with all types of summons.


Complaints explain the accusations made by the plaintiff against the defendant more clearly. Details about exactly what the plaintiff feels they are owed are included in the complaint, along with the names of all witnesses involved. The complaint is typically delivered along with the summons to court.


Subpoenas are for people who were a witness to what happened in the case or have some type of knowledge that can expertly contribute to the understanding of the case by the judge and jury. Showing up in court when subpoenaed is also not optional and can land you in some serious legal trouble, including fines and jail.


A writ is an order issued on behalf of a court and approved by a judge of that court. Writs are extremely common and apply to many situations. A few of the writs we serve here at Accurate Serve® in Denver include:

  • Writ of garnishment
  • Writ of habeas corpus
  • Writ of Replevin
  • Writ of mandamus
  • Writ of possession
  • Writs of execution
  • Writ of attachment

Reliable Legal Document Delivery in Denver

If your firm is located in the Denver area and you’re looking for a reliable process server to handle your cases, look no further. Accurate Serve® of Denver is ready and able to deliver your case process to all the intended recipients, along with providing additional services including document retrievals, diligent searches, skip traces, and more. Send us a work request on our website or call (303) 501-7121 to get started today. Need process service outside of Denver? Visit for a map and contact information for our offices nationwide!

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