Denver (303) 501-7121

What is a Process Server?

Definition of a Process Server

A process server hand delivers (most of the time) court case paperwork to the parties named in the case. While this job may sound a little underwhelming, it actually plays a very important role in the American legal system and upholds the constitutional rights of court litigants every single day.

Due Process

Did you know that part of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution refers to the need for process servers? It’s known as the “Due Process Clause”, and it prohibits the government from depriving “any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” That due process of law includes notification of upcoming court dates so that the defendant or witness has adequate time to prepare. That notification, in many cases, comes from process servers.

Process Server Requirements in Colorado

Process servers must meet the following basic requirements in order to legally serve processes in Colorado:

  • Be 18 years old or older
  • Not be a party to the case

Benefits of Hiring an Experienced Process Server

  • Experienced process servers provide professional and efficient service of process for legal firms and private plaintiffs. 
  • By using a reputable private process server instead of law enforcement, you are lessening the burden of these civil issues on police resources that are already stretched thin. 
  • Private process servers file verifiable proof of service with the court so there’s no question of exactly when, where, and how the defendants and witnesses were served.

Risks of Using an Inexperienced Process Server

Mistakes while serving process can cost you big time, from schedule delays to additional court and attorney fees. In the worst-case scenario, process service mistakes can give the opposing party grounds to request a dismissal of your entire case. Using a practiced process server ensures these situations will not happen and your case’s merit is preserved.

Reliable Process Servers in Denver

For the most skilled, competent process servers in Denver, contact Accurate Serve® at (303) 501-7121 or send us a work request online.

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