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Controversy Rises Over Process Servers and Body Armor

If you have an eye on the news for stories about process servers getting into difficult situations, you’ll know that dangerous events occur on a daily basis for the process servers tasked with serving papers to those in legal hot water. For as many people who realize that the process server is nothing more than a messenger, just as many unleash the full depths of their anger and violence on the process server unlucky enough to walk up to the

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The Role of Private Process Servers

The role of a process server is actually set out in the Constitution, where it is stated that service of due process is a privilege to all citizens. This means that all Americans have the right to be properly informed that they are being summoned for some type of legal court action. A process server, then, is the messenger to notify any individual of his involvement in a legal issue. Before cities and town became as large and sprawling as

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Can Businesses Be Served?

Legal issues between two people are complicated enough, but things can get very messy when a business becomes embroiled in the court process. Businesses can indeed be served court papers, but service of process takes a bit more planning and care than when serving an individual. Who Gets Served?

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When People Do Shoot the Messenger… Literally

As any process server can tell you, being tasked with enforcing legal service of process is a tough job. Not only are you responsible for delivering news that is likely going to be unwelcomed by the recipient, but you must track down people across the state—or country—when they really don’t want to be found. We all know that process servers are merely the humble messengers delivering court documents, but that doesn’t stop emotions from surging when defendants hear the words

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Steps to Take After Being Served Papers

Until you’re involved in some form of court proceeding, you may not even know what it means to receive service of process. If you do find yourself being served papers, don’t fret. Here’s what you need to know to appropriately respond to the situation. Getting served, while possibly upsetting and stressful, simply means that you are being informed, with a big stack of paperwork, that you are now involved in a court proceeding. Legal grounds could revolve around divorce, foreclosure,

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The Stranger Side of Process Service

Legal battles and lawsuits have become a fact of life, and as a result many people each day send and receive official court documents that provide notice of an impending court dispute. This service of process, the act of providing the defendant in a legal case with the proper paperwork notifying him that action is being taken against him, is a professional job that has the potential to go rather awry.

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The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Document Server

Paperwork and court cases are inseparable concepts. Motions, verdicts, claims, appeals, briefings, transcripts…the list goes on and on. Logical, organized filing systems exist to avoid chaos in the midst of so much paperwork, but it can still be challenging for someone not involved with the courts, or someone with a very limited amount of valuable time, to locate a specific document—let alone if multiple documents are needed across various courts!  That’s why regular citizens and attorneys both rely on professional

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The Top Questions You Should Ask a Process Server Before Hiring

When selecting a local process server, it’s important to ensure you hire the right person for the job. They’ll need to be a trusted, reliable firm with a proven track-record, and it’s vital to ask the right questions before you invest in their services. Questions to Ask Your Local Process Server

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How Outsourcing Process Serving is Streamlining the Judicial System

When it comes to becoming a successful legal professional, the ultimate determining factor is how strict your attention to detail is. What makes a good lawyer is the amount of quality time spent studying the case, and all of those who are involved. You never know where that unique detail is going to come from. Therefore, lawyers are increasingly outsourcing the tasks they normally would do themselves so they can spend more time researching and collecting data. What is Required

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Document Retrieval Automation

Lawyers and attorneys work in a profession generally perceived as being safe from technological take over. A good legal professional utilizes a combination of creativity, communication, debating, and information processing to develop a good case or defense. The backbone of accomplishing that is reliable information. Without adequate facts, the most detailed and concise defense is easily destroyed when presented to a judge and jury.

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